
[Hunting for a good quote]

Sunday, December 30, 2007


The gist of this following post is not from me (marked in bold), but there is so much wisdom in it, I wish to share it with anyone and everyone who visits this place. When I take notes, I would mark out important lines with a small asterisk, when it strikes a chord with me; I double the number of asterisks, or draw big stars beside the lines. Today, my notebook is covered with so many asterisks, great big stars, exclamation marks, boxed up words, underlined and re-underlined.

I am not one who embrace changes. I guess it is natural for most to prefer lingering in the realm of familiarity to swimming in the unfamiliar. My resistance to change is that- but to a greater intensity, I detest and disregard change. Change is the hyphen between the old and the new and I view this ambiguous dash with a tinge of weariness. Perhaps, I fear change so much that sometimes I choose to remain ignorant in order to continue in the usual conventional accustomed manner.

And perhaps, this ignorance has even led me to believe that there is nothing wrong with stagnancy. In fact, it might even be romantic, being sentimental and reminiscent, thinking about good o’ times that has passed and gone, or living the present days in the days that are over.

In this mood of reminiscence as we cross over to 2008, lamenting how time flies, we also make New Year resolutions once again. Some have stopped doing so since we never seem to follow those goals anyway, such that they remain as fiercely determined alphabets and words on pages of diaries and journals.

The way we leave determines the way we enter. As we stumble or stride into a new year, it is not just a difference of the last digit, we are confronted with a brand new set of threehundredandsixtyfive days, new circumstances, new people, new opportunities.

Yet, to allow these opportunities to knock on our doors, we do not just wait, or even just pray, we make decisions for ourselves for all change begins with a decision and change is necessary for growth. Since our whole entire life is one continuous change after another, there is no reason to be obstinate.

Fools won’t change,
Dead Men can’t change.

And because we are neither, let us all be courageous and lead the change, before it leads us.

I just read what I have written and I can’t help but feel that this is such a diluted version of what I experienced. I wish I could reproduce the same but I can’t and I shall end on this note: We are where we are because of the decisions we make.


Anonymous said...

decisions oh decisions.

flip coin!!

Rubber Dust said...

mk you're back! i wish u were there on sat..i think u'd love the word too.

Anonymous said...

but which side of the coin to choose? hmmm

Anonymous said...

Joshua wants some brownies!

Rubber Dust said...

who on earth is barb michelen.

guan, coffee sometime next week! last week of freedom (FOR US:( )u organise and ...u treat!: )

i havent got the time to bake. i come home at night everynight and it feels odd to bake at that hour of the day. baking and sunshine go together! i'm q exhausted of these meeting up with varied friends every day, having such good wonderful conversations but so what where do these conversations go...hmmm, v cynical i know. were you the one who told me u cant wait for school to start? me too, u know!i dont know why but i guess school would take away a bit of this unsettling feeling. i sound sooo depressed goodness, hahaha joshua! look what your desire for brownies did to me.

Anonymous said...

Yes I was the one who said that I wished school would start soon! Somehow, when I'm in school it feels like I am in a world where people understand the odd nuanced differences between deviance and crime or between class and socio economic status...

Oh hey and pls dont be depressed k. I thought we've decided long ago, i'll be the depressed one and u are the sunshine of the universe? i cannot handle sunshine u know! thats why i need brownies *hint hint*

to all your friends who read this, Joshua will love you if you bake him brownies.

Rubber Dust said...

joshua, u must know that my friends read my blog MOSTLY for your input and all of them (girls) remember you as the person w v funny amusing comments.

u will definitely find your hello-kitty, doe-eyed, brownie-baking, chicken-loving soulmate here. FROM MY BLOG.*throws 20 chickens in your direction.

Anonymous said...


ZQ ur previous comment has given me hope!
*eyes sparkle with renewed eagerness towards LIFE!*

*Ahem Ahem*Everyone attention pls! if u are a "hello-kitty, doe-eyed, brownie-baking, chicken-loving (Potential) soulmate (ZQ 2008:1)" of Joshua's, you must and must get to know me k!

WEE!!!! Soon I shall be 'lonely no more'

oh hey zq, I've a new obsession with the band Suede. Go my blog and see their vids and lyrics k, u'll love them! they are so anti consumerist. Its like reading about fight club in good english. Oh ya talking about anti consumerism, i'm reading brave new world!!! So many parts feel like Singapore. oh! and Singapore did get special mention in the book too :)

Rubber Dust said...

errr joshua, what's your blog? i forgot! haha tell me on msn unless u want to steal my audience. then by all means..

i've been thinking about ageing and kinship of'd be nice to hear ur views but i realise u only come online at 4am in the morning(strange)that's the time i go to sleep:/