
[Hunting for a good quote]

Monday, June 29, 2009

Beauty and Delusion

Grand Shanghai’s ambience is awesome—the red couches, dimmed spotlights, green lamps, retro cheongsam women paintings, and most of all, a live band accompanying jazz songs. I rarely recommend eateries but this place is such a must-go, it ought to be top on the list of HungryGoWhere. I was a little surprised that such a place exists in our little modernized island and it definitely ranks high on my list of Chinese restaurants to visit.

In line with beautiful places and things, watching a kite fly is gorgeous (for the lack of a wider vocabulary). There is something alluring about watching it shrink into the blueness of the sky as the wind takes control, and agency takes a backseat. And the only thing that snaps one out of daydreaming is the occasional tugs on the string as a fresh brew of wind stirs.

Switching perspectives, trees, hills, houses, brown mud, buildings, mountains, grass patches, blue sea. That’s how the world looks like from an airplane. The vehicles and the people become black dots that disappear as the plane soars higher. Michael Jackson died. A friend broke up with her boyfriend. Just as how the world spins and we don’t feel it, the magnitude of these problems fade from up above.

Someone said this over the weekend, but I can't remember who now. "Life itself is a delusion".....It's been floating in my mind ever since.

My favourite MJ songs are Heal the World and Ben.

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