
[Hunting for a good quote]

Sunday, May 31, 2009

feeling like you're outside yourself

Today’s workshop was called, “Theme and Premise" by Courttia Newland. It was held at The Arts House Living Room and as I was seated there, I couldn’t help but think this is such a lovely place to hold a wedding lunch reception. Fluffy blue couches, pristine white-washed walls, full-length mirrors, chandeliers overhead and a mic behind for the bride and groom to declare their love.

We had various writing exercises and one was “an obsession about someone/something you love”. I read this one aloud to the others:

She carries an eraser with her everywhere she goes. On a vacation, to work, on a date-an eraser sits in her bag, giving her assurance and comfort like the bible does. She has been obsessed with eraser dust ever since she was twelve. They accompanied her during an examination when she was trying to calm herself. The eraser carried the same soothing effect ever since. Or maybe she is just obsessed with the idea that something in this world of uncertainties could be moulded by her as and when she needs security.

We created various fictional characters and one of the final exercises was to write a letter between two of the characters we had earlier created. I quite like this one:

Dear _____,

I am penning this letter and putting to words thoughts I never have the courage to say when I meet you. I have been puzzled for so long and all my questions have turned into statements. I never understood why I feel indebted around you or why I foolishly willingly jump on your rides of emotional rollercoaster. It is funny how I am constantly carving explanations in my head, justifications for my imperfections when your flaws appear plain and obvious to me.

Both of us are like dangling pendulum balls moving in different directions. Yet, we always brush past and meet at the lowest point of standstill. The standstills were short and sweet. But I am writing to say I no longer want to deal with brief memories and have snipped off the string on my pendulum ball.


I couldn’t think of two names that would fit and so I have substituted them with blanks.

Another person was to read the written pieces and come up with a dramatic scene based on the character. The girl who read mine interpreted it as a younger brother writing to an elder brother. Always interesting to find out how people perceive the same writing differently.


SC said...

A friend recommended your blog to me and I must say I really enjoy reading your blog. (:

Rubber Dust said...

thanks for leaving such an encouraging message: )

i checked out yours. it's lovely, i think we have similar tastes. i like your songs, photos and words. do i know you or your friend who recommended my blog? or if you'd prefer anonymity, you need not tell. will be staying tuned to your blog...

Rubber Dust said...

i just looked through your older entries and i'm amazed! you posted many songs which have immense sentimental value to me...and at around the same time you posted them! "somday we'll know" on 26th dec, that was a time when i listened to the song over and over for the lyrics....
"someday we'll know why samson loved delilah"
and you have JJ Lin's "xiao jiu wo" too--that's one of the few chinese songs i listen to and love!
and lucky! and hanging by a moment...amazing: )

SC said...

I don't think we know each other. haha and i have no idea how my friend got your blog add either. but he was saying he enjoyed your blog as much as mine! haha

yeah, when I was reading your blog, I must say I did feel a sense of similarity. amazing isn't it?

Will continue being a fan of your blog! (:

Rubber Dust said...

are you a sociology major by any chance? or have graduated sometime ago? i chanced upon one of your old entries which gave me the feeling that you are: )

SC said...

Actually, Ive not even gone into Uni! haha and funny thing is, Sociology's the course I've applied for.

Seems like competition is tough this year so I'm still holding on to Faith and the one above on whether or not i qualify to get a place in local uni. but its ok, i know that He will make a way when it seems like theres no other way. (: