
[Hunting for a good quote]

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Have to finish, have not started.

There is a deadline to be met and in search for something to write, everything now seems to be a potential topic to be given a voice to. I am paying more attention to crannies that did not exist previously, having little conversations with myself, thinking about how to set thoughts into words, selecting words that can connect, looking at an insignificant scene and giving it a description, letting it be part of a narration.

I think such desperateness is nauseating; the urgency to force a thing out of nothingness is excruciatingly exhausting. When I bathe and the hot water hits my toes first, I instinctively turn that into a phrase, a line, and wring some emotion out of it. Or in the bus, on the train, I start scrutinizing every face, thinking hey what is beneath this wrinkle, this powdered face, finding something to muse on. But-what can I do when there seems to be nothing worth ruminating upon that has been brought up twenty thousand times before.

It is a sunny day; I am going to the library now and hopefully find an Idiot’s Guide to Good Writing.


Something Small Thinking Big said...

Haha, hmm, try looking for Inspirations instead. They help a great deal in writing too. Idoit's guide is helpful for crapping something out of nothing :P

Enjoy your sports camp anyway! (:

Rubber Dust said...

haha,sports camp translates to one week less to work on it before the deadline.

Anonymous said...

haha i'm back gal ;) shall always haunt you!

Anonymous said...

I was sitting at the piano the other day and trying to come up with a song and I couldn't come up with anything...i was literally stuck...and there have been other times when i have song deadlines to meet, where I am tasked with coming up with something by a certain date. Some attribute it to writer's block, but i think dat using writer's block is just a convenient excuse for not trying...umm...I'm not saying u r not trying of cse, but it's up to us to unlock dat creativity within and to expand it outwardly..and oh, i din noe u r involved in sports camp...have fun doing de water stuff and de errm...archery will be tanned and you will weight lighter after it has ended....hahaha said...

Hey Zhiqi

Your words will come =)=)
Don't fret!

Eman Rohe said...

Old saying: When there is nothing you can do, then don't do anything.

Commentary: When doing nothing, more than what you consciously know is being done. When seeking, you don't find, when not seeking, you find it right before you.