
[Hunting for a good quote]

Friday, May 25, 2007

I picked up a brick.

Then I wondered what I would do next.


Charles Sng said...

U can hit your head with it and feel the pain, reminding you life is real, whether in Laos or Singapore. Then place it back to where it was, unless it was obstructing traffic or posed a potential hazard. If you hit too hard just now, you might bleed a bit, so apply pressure to your wound with a bandage and some ointment, and life goes on, that was just a chapter (a very good one). A new chapter unfolds now........

Anonymous said...

hey.. tell you something ;)

If you were to ask Louis Kahn, a great US architect, "What does a brick want to be?", his answer to this would be, "It wants to be a arch!" :P

So build an arch of friendship, an arch of memories, an arch of a bridge to cross to someplace great! :) a small, but strong one, together we have 14 of those, shd be enough!

hoho ;)

Eman Rohe said...

Put it in the ground,careful to make sure it is in line with the previous one, pat the soil around it and make sure it is solidly in place, then pick up another brick and do the same, on and on till the work is done.

Rubber Dust said...

yeah, huixin, agreed: )fourteen's enough.

charles, arent u violent??? "u can hit your head." GOSH!

th, u learnt that from MR OK? :D

Anonymous said...

the foundation for your building has been laid.whether it will withstand the forces of nature it is all up to how you lay the remaining bricks. so be careful. do it slowly and make sure each one fits perfectly. i would suggest using the no '25' method ;)

Anonymous said...

then you lay it.-ml

Something Small Thinking Big said...

Is that the library that you all furished with books at Laos?