
[Hunting for a good quote]

Thursday, March 8, 2007


I am, unless I change my mind, a Sociology major. So, these endless journals should, in all logical sense, place me in a good position to understand why people behave the way they do. I guess, with my limited knowledge of the ideologies of the family and introductory anthropology, I am not quite there yet. Sitting in the library today, watching the sun above the jutting tree from my level 5 view, I suspect it is wrong to study people as a collective whole. And though my readings seem all very right and true, Lopata and Hays brandishing their convincing arguments, B. Lee and his anthropological experiences…I wonder what drives them to study such intricacies or to believe that they will ever find an answer to their questions…Blind faith, delusion and…passion. Maybe I am the blind one: )


gwa said...

i think humans are pretty useless as individuals. our strength only comes from being a collective.

so i guess thats why people are studying soci

Rubber Dust said...

hey ambrose, are u majoring in philo?

gwa said...

"[T]hat early humans were the hunted and not hunters has upended traditional ideas about what it takes for a species to thrive... Being hunted brought evolutionary pressure on our ancestors to cooperate and live in cohesive groups. That, more than aggression and warfare, is our evolutionary legacy"
- Newsweek March 19, 2007; Beyond Bones and Stones

Nope, I'm not a philo major.

Something Small Thinking Big said...

Studying of people in their individualist form only allows for the understanding of the individual and how he/she reacts to the society
But studying of peple as a collective whole allows you not only to understand how the society could affect the individual, but more importantly, how the society could function as a whole with all its rules and norms as well as the various cultures that could only exist in a society. ;)

Rubber Dust said...

awwwww son, like a true blue sociologist.

gwa said...
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gwa said...

i hate society.

Rubber Dust said...

whenever someone leaves a comment, it gets directed to my mail. when i opened my mail just now and saw your comment, i was mildly surprised...i can't find the word, surprise with an understanding of how that must feel. sometimes i do feel that way in my interactions with people, and strangely, the way to rid it, is again interaction with people. i hope when u next read this, u no longer feel that way.

Something Small Thinking Big said...

Not really I guess? I screwed my 1101 for soci >_< Utter disappointment for that =(

Rubber Dust said...

did u get harry??man i got him.cya tmr. i hate waking up for crazy 8 am tutorials. at least its the last one. but its scary how fast everything just swims past us-before we know it, we'll be doing 2218 paper.